We are happy to share, that our great model POLINA is taking a part of a Turkish TV serial “Turk Mali” This is a comedy serial where Polina is playing a house made who is very very pretty and has a good heart,But because of her poor Turkish some funny misunderstandings are going on in the house.You can follow Polina and her acting on Star TV – one of the most popular Turkish tv channels.We will keep you updated about Polina and her acting career! She is really liked by the watchers and definitely has a great future in acting.
Stay on track!
Polina Özellikleri
Boy: 1.78
Göğüs: 86
Bel: 63
Basen: 93
Ayak: 40
Göz: Yeşil
Saç: Sarı
Beden: 36
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